The Pirate Von - Free Comics for One and All
“Free comics?! Really?” Yes! I’ve done a number of comics over the years and I’ve long offered them for free on my website in webcomic format. While that works just fine, I much prefer reading complete comics either in paper format or in digital and I suspect many of you do, too. I thought it was about time that I started getting my work “out there” in formats that give you far more control over how you read.
One of the inspirations for this is the legendary Paul Coelho, author of THE ALCHEMIST and many other great books. Some years ago Coelho launched a project he dubbed “The Pirate Coelho,” giving away for free much of his work through torrent sites like The Pirate Bay. And as Coelho noted in an interview with TorrentFreak, “Since the dawn of time, human beings have felt the need to share — from food to art. Sharing is part of the human condition. A person who does not share is not only selfish, but bitter and alone.” Amen. As an aside, holy smokes did I ever sell a lot of THE ALCHEMIST back in my bookstore days!
With this in mind, here’s a start — with more of my comics to come in the months ahead. The links below are in .cbz format. That’s a short hand for comic book archive or comic book reader file and is a really lovely way to read comics, either on a monitor, tablet, or even a cell phone. I suspect most people interested in reading digital comics will be very familiar with the various apps, but if you are new to this Wikipedia has a good overview. And scroll to the bottom of this webpage for more on my own digital reading habits. Oh, I should add that I’m hoping to make PDF versions available in the future, but there are some tricky issues regarding PDF that make that more of a time-consuming process then I like (this mainly revolves around font rights in certain stories).
To make this as easy as possible, I uploaded my comics to the Internet Archive. You can use the links below to download my comics directly, or visit the Internet Archive and navigate from there.
Free Download and Torrent Links for WOLF’S HEAD ISSUE 7
Free Download and Torrent Links for WOLF’S HEAD ISSUE 6
Free Download and Torrent Links for WOLF’S HEAD ISSUE 5
Free Download and Torrent Links for WOLF’S HEAD ISSUE 4
Free Download and Torrent Links for WOLF’S HEAD ISSUE 3
Free Download and Torrent Links for WOLF’S HEAD ISSUE 2
Free Download and Torrent Links for WOLF’S HEAD ISSUE 1
Free Download and Torrent Links for WIZARDS FOR HIRE - CHEAP!
Free Download and Torrent Links for SHEBA THE GREAT!
Free Download and Torrent Links for STORIES! 2015 TO 2019
What Do I use to Read Digital Comics?
Here is a summary of my current tastes:Since I use Windows as my operating system, I generally use CDisplay when I’m reading on a desktop monitor.
For my phone, I use an app called Comic Trim by Fabio Bezzi. This is really handy because you can read “panel by panel” (so-called “guided view”) which is tremendous on a small device. I like it so much I bought it, though the free version works just fine.
That said, I primarily use an Android tablet to read digital comics. For that I either use the aforementioned Comic Trim (simply turning the “panel by panel” view off) or Komik, an oldy but a goody.
If you’re really not sure where to start, then it’s hard to go wrong with Calibre by Kovid Goyal. Why? Well, you can use that app to not only read comics but convert them to a format of your choice.
There’s a wide variety of ways to read my comics, but don’t forget that you can read ‘em online via the Internet Archive!
A Call To Action
Being an indy artist can be tough sometimes. As Tim O’Reilly once wrote, “Obscurity is a far greater threat to authors and creative artists than piracy.” What can you do to help? Well, the easiest and simplest, especially if you enjoy my work, is to tell your friends and loved ones. Sharing really is caring!Please share my comics on other peer-to-peer (or P2P) platforms. I have used a Creative Commons license (see it at the bottom of this web page) to help facilitate just that. I would really love to see my comics in shadow libraries. If you have contacts there, please either connect them with me or go ahead and share my work there.
Next, help translate my comics. Unfortunately, I’m an English-only (well, with some French) writer and artist. If you’re conversant in another language and are keen on helping on the translation front, drop me a line!
If you’re in a position to do so, then consider buying some of my graphic novels. The shop page has all the links you should need, but an internet search will help you, too.
I’m also going to have more merchandise available soon. Art prints, shirts, cards, and so on will be available in the near future.
Lastly, if you enjoy my work and want to contribute a few dollars my way, then you can use PayPal.Me/vonallan.
Creative Commons License

Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at