War Hobbits!
Hobbits! Or Battling Hobbits (wait, wait —
how ‘bout Battling ‘Bits?!).
While Dwarfs will always be my favourites, I do have a major soft spot for Hobbits, right from Tolkien’s original creation through to D&D’s version (dubbed Halflings, though they’ll always be Hobbits to me). I also like my Hobbits a bit scruffy, not so much avoiding adventure but actively seeking it out. As it should be. How the hell is one gonna scrounge up enough gold from a dangerous dungeon without getting banged up? Ordinary life has a tendency to rough us all up; delving into dark foreboding places even moreso. Besides, I like my fantasy gritty, Conan-style, as opposed to heroic. Nothing wrong with the latter, but it never speaks to me in quite the same fashion as the former.
I had some time over the holidays and into the new year, so I thought I’d draw and colour some Hobbits. What follows are some character designs and a couple of fanciful pieces, plus a photo of some of the original art. All were a lot of fun to draw!