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Photos from the book launch of Stargazer

The book launch for Stargazer took place at Ottawa's Perfect Books on Sunday, November 7th. Turnout was pretty good if I do say so myself and the bookstore seemed quite pleased with the sales. That's win-win, I think! What follows are some photos that were taken from the launch. My wife took the first four and the rest were taken by the "The Phantom Photographer."

Von Allan chatting with fans at the book launch for Stargazer in Ottawa

Von Allan at the book launch for his graphic novel titled "Stargazer"

Von Allan signing a copy of his graphic novel Stargazer at the book launch in Ottawa

Von Allan chatting with fans at the book launch for Stargazer at Perfect Books

Von Allan at the book launch for Stargazer at Ottawa's Perfect Books
Photo by "The Phantom Photographer"

Von Allan at the book launch event for Stargazer
Photo by "The Phantom Photographer"

Wolf's Head by Von Allan

Link to Von Allan's Wolf's Head comic book series

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