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Short Story - The Cowardly Clerics of Rigel V!

UPDATE! While you can always read the short story below, I have decided to start making my comics freely available to all for easier digital reading. Please visit https://www.vonallan.com/p/pirate-von.html for more information and download links!

Page one of the short story The Cowardly Clerics of Rigel V written and illustrated by Von Allan
Page two of the short story The Cowardly Clerics of Rigel V written and illustrated by Von Allan
Page three of the short story The Cowardly Clerics of Rigel V written and illustrated by Von Allan
Page four of the short story The Cowardly Clerics of Rigel V written and illustrated by Von Allan
Page five of the short story The Cowardly Clerics of Rigel V written and illustrated by Von Allan

This story first saw print in the comic book titled WIZARDS FOR HIRE — CHEAP! back in 2017. Unfortunately, the print edition is out of print (though you might be able to find a copy using Bookfinder). But! This story — as well as a boatload of others — were collected into a beautiful hardcover edition titled LOVE, LAUGHTER, AND LOSS: A COMICS COLLECTION. More information about that edition can be found right here.

In addition, there is also a digital comic book version of WIZARDS FOR HIRE — CHEAP! on Kindle that can be read anywhere in the world. That edition is available at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089QXBYY9.

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