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'Wizards for Hire - Cheap!' out now on Kindle

Link to Wizards for Hire - Cheap! on Amazon's Kindle
After releasing WIZARDS FOR HIRE - CHEAP! on ComiXology a few months back, I'm very pleased to announce that the Kindle version is now available! And with full panel-to-panel functionality for phones and the like, too. It also looks pretty damn good in black and white on devices like the Kindle Paperwhite.

You can find WIZARDS FOR HIRE - CHEAP! for Kindle by visiting https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089QXBYY9/ or by clicking the image of Bill above. And, of course, you can also read them for free as a webcomic, too. Start at https://www.vonallan.com/2017/08/short-story-cowardly-clerics-of-rigel-v.html and navigate from there!

I'm currently converting both my recent short story collection* as well as WOLF'S HEAD for Kindle, so expect to see them released shortly.

* Psst: in fact, STORIES! 2015 TO 2019 is out now for the Kindle, too. I just haven't prepped any graphics to celebrate its release yet.

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Wolf's Head by Von Allan

Link to Von Allan's Wolf's Head comic book series

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