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I Am Still Your Child Canadian National TV Broadcast

I Am Still Your Child, the documentary on parental mental illness, will have its national broadcast premiere on Saturday, March 31st on CBC television! It's at 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time. I'm really excited it to see it broadcast this way!

CBC's TV program guide is at http://www.cbc.ca/programguide/daily/2018/03/31/cbc_television/. You should be able to find the film in your time zone.

Speaking of the film: writer/director Megan Durnford was interviewed on CHML's Health and Wellness Show a few weeks back. If you'd like to get a glimpse of what went into making the film, please give it a listen at https://omny.fm/shows/chml-news/14-health-wellness-mar-11-2018. On top of it, Westmount Magazine did a great story on Megan and her work. It's at https://www.westmountmag.ca/megan-durnford/

The Trailer

Excerpts and Extras from the Film

The film's official YouTube page has additional excerpts and extras from the film. I've embedded a few below, too.

I Am Still Your Child documentary film logo

Wolf's Head by Von Allan

Link to Von Allan's Wolf's Head comic book series

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Von Allan Studio gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the City of Ottawa.

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Documentary Film Excerpt

I Am Still Your Child Trailer